Anthony Finch, West Point Class of 2013. My cousin finally made his decision tonight, to the thrill I'm sure of my father who believes we need a new generation of smart soldiers to "lead us into space", but probably also to the consternation and concern of his mother and, frankly, me. Pride too though. I'm not particularly close with my cousins, mostly thanks to my dad and my uncle (We're in Chris Titus' 63%), but all the same my pride and heart goes out to him. He got his letter from Hillary Clinton, and he's got upper management written all over him. Having a Colonel in the family might make me straighten up and fly right. Hopefully by the time he graduates the Army will mostly be out of any serious shit. I will end with a refrain from his facebook status:
"Why we on this particular mission, we will never know. But I do know, here today, that the Black Knights will emerge victorious once again."
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