Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keep Walking

Oddly moving. This commercial gets what the best of advertising gets, that being, not to be too sentimental, the fact that there is now a great narrative behind every classic brand. Some of them dating back quite far. I'd love to see ads like this for Coca-Cola, IBM, the Democratic Party...

Robert Carlyle, so underused and underrated. I could never countenance the idea of this being considered any form of selling out when it's such an awesome use of his skills. Kudos to all involved. As if it didn't feel classy enough drinking Johnnie.

P.S Here's an oldie but goodie, much less effective but still sexy. Signifying either nothing or how much culture has changed. Just consider the editing, or why the fuck Harvey has to knock over a huge obsidian wall to create an explosion that kills a bunch of lions and reveals an evil eye.

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