Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
At Large
This one's gonna be a bummer.
Typically, this was put up on someone's Facebook page. Someone I used to consider a close friend that I haven't really spoken to in 7 years. Not going to get into that though, but rather that it just jump-started something that's been happening for 4 or 5 years, which is that at some point I return to this song and it sort of paralyzes me.
It's not like I have that much particular identification with Brock's lyrics. I don't particularly care for songs or books about drifters. I certainly wouldn't have the balls to ever drift. The closest I ever came to drifting was blowing a tank of gas getting lost in Annandale listening to Real Gone. It's more like for some reason this song has turned into some kind of anthem of my feelings of being stuck.
I don't even really have a conclusion for this thing. I have someone in my life for the first time in a long time, maybe ever, who makes it okay. I mean love makes things different, I'm lucky. Sure there's a lot I like about here, I love the city, I miss driving through Northwest in the evening, and how evening is pretty much the only way I think of it. This is turning into a take your fucking medicine post, I'm going to ramble if I don't cut this off.
I like the autumn but this place is getting old.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Evil Empire

I can't muster up the enthusiasm for a big baseball post, just like I can't muster the enthusiasm for the game anymore. There was a time when it meant a lot to me. His integrity has been held up as a beacon to ad nauseum, but I will say if anything untoward came out about Cal Ripken I'd probably still be heartbroken. I mean besides Kevin Costner fucking his wife.
Like I said, there was a time when it mattered, and when it did it was all about Birdland, Brady Anderson and Ralphael Palmiero and Roberto Alomar Jr. (I would imagine Little League staring down of umpires went up a lot in this area thanks to him). Later, when I started spending more time up in New york and appreciating the game with my uncle and cousins, it was all about the Mets. I came on board just in time for the Subway series in 2000, and I've more or less stuck with them since. Mike Piazza, New york Catcher.
I've been wrestling all week with a crisis of conscience, that being the inevitability of another yanks world series and how much I can enjoy that. And the truth is, I really can't. I want to like this stern, cleancut group of guys, but except for CC there's never been such a clear indication of how the organization just bleeds the personality from everyone. High & Tight.
So go blah, go Phillies.
P.S. after the fact. Eh, I still can't really care. My mother says they look like baby hippos celebrating, which is why she needs to be on PTI. I called my dad and asked if he was a yankees fan growing up and he said he went to a doubleheader in 1959 that lasted 10 hours and never recovered. He only pretended to ever care about baseball for my sake. Thanks Dad.
He talks about letting me stay up late to watch Cal beat Lou Gehrig's record, which I don't really remember. I do remember around that time my babysitter let me stay up until 12 to watch FORREST GUMP win Best Picture. It was in many ways a simpler time.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I Used to be a Movie Star, It's a Tough Racket

Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosting the Oscars next year. Not a lot to say except I'm pleased. Could be a real interesting mix. I never really thought so at the time, but Steve Martin has probably been the best host of my lifetime. He's certainly the only one worth quoting. Even Chris Rock was only funny in a brashly awkward take no prisoners way. Some Steve highlights:
From 2001:
"For me, hosting the academy awards is like making love to a beautiful woman. You can only do it when Billy Crystal's not in town."
I actually remember this one differently, much more of just a blatant I am fucking his wife, but it still made me chuckle.
From 2003:
"It's so sweet backstage. The Teamsters are helping Michael Moore into the trunk of his limo."
"Roman Polanski's here. Get him!"
This one killed in context because there was enormous tension over his nomination and possible win. Kind of more funny in retrospect.
Also here's a sweet quote from Benecio Del Toro:
I'd like to dedicate this to the people of Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Mexico.
Polite applause.
I look forward to Baldwin as well, I really have no frame of reference for what he'll do, but I'm sure he'll handle it. He's got stage experience and the wit, and good chemistry with Martin.
After last year, they're on a mission of mercy.
The Human Cost

Something lost in all of the coverage of the Redskins embarrassing first half of the season is the cost in the lives of every day residents of the DC area:
The Papa John's Redskins Special
Faced with one of the easiest opening stretches in the NFL, and the opportunity to put free toppings on many pies, the Skins blew it. My only theory is that Zorn stays so attractive by avoiding pizza, so for that and many other reasons, fuck him.
This is honestly the only way I can get myself to care about the Skins anymore
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