Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosting the Oscars next year. Not a lot to say except I'm pleased. Could be a real interesting mix. I never really thought so at the time, but Steve Martin has probably been the best host of my lifetime. He's certainly the only one worth quoting. Even Chris Rock was only funny in a brashly awkward take no prisoners way. Some Steve highlights:
From 2001:
"For me, hosting the academy awards is like making love to a beautiful woman. You can only do it when Billy Crystal's not in town."
I actually remember this one differently, much more of just a blatant I am fucking his wife, but it still made me chuckle.
From 2003:
"It's so sweet backstage. The Teamsters are helping Michael Moore into the trunk of his limo."
"Roman Polanski's here. Get him!"
This one killed in context because there was enormous tension over his nomination and possible win. Kind of more funny in retrospect.
Also here's a sweet quote from Benecio Del Toro:
I'd like to dedicate this to the people of Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Mexico.
Polite applause.
I look forward to Baldwin as well, I really have no frame of reference for what he'll do, but I'm sure he'll handle it. He's got stage experience and the wit, and good chemistry with Martin.
After last year, they're on a mission of mercy.
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