Wednesday, February 11, 2009

800 Scalps

Nothing makes me more nervous in 2009 than this movie, and the images here do nothing to alleviate that. I started reading the script PDFs but it just became something I couldn't get through. Tarantino is always very immature on the page. Though I don't regret reading all of KILL BILL a year before it came out when it hadn't been cast yet- I kept imagining Morgan Freeman as Bill, which is an idea that still makes sense to me.

Pitt's fine here, could have been better, though I agree with whomever it was on the internet who said if delivered better this line could have become a mainstay of gym teachers and football coaches everywhere. I scalp your milkshake. There is still the offensive potential for it to become Jim Zorn's rallying cry.

I mean I remain hopeful, but there doesn't seem to be anyone who is regressing as much as Quentin. He's really improved his direction enormously though, and maybe he's diddling around assembling all the skills necessary to make his magnum opus. Still, I have a feeling he'll never again reach the level of his first three films.

I can't stress enough how enormously retarded this script is. It's like the stuff we all wrote in 3rd Grade. Though not as good as Nicky Elliot's story where the bad guy screams so loudly in the back seat of the car that the windows shatter and cut his head off.

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