Monday, February 9, 2009

God's Lonely Man

I wonder if we're far enough away from TAXI DRIVER for most of the teens who go to see this to not get it. And if they don't get it, will it be funny at all? This performance seems to embrace a cruelty Rogen has only hinted at before. This looks like a bold step for him, and if they get it right it could be quite interesting. Also, it has Danny McBride in a hairnet telling him to suck a gun like a dick.

Also a young'n and I were talking about the twin volcano movies in 1997 and the twin asteroid movies the next year. How do these things happen? There were supposed to be two Frida Kahlo movies also, the other one was going to star Jennifer Lopez.

I'm hoping OBSERVE AND REPORT is the DEEP IMPACT of Mall-Cop-with-Delusions films. Though I've enjoyed ARMAGEDDON a lot the three times I've watched it since January. VHS forever.

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