Friday, March 13, 2009

Here's Hoping

Francis hasn't made a great movie in exactly 30 years, and even the woozy end of APOCALYPSE showed him beginning to lose his grip on the genius that made him the greatest director of the 1970s. There have been bright spots since then, RUMBLE FISH, parts of THE COTTON CLUB, but his slippage has been one of the sadder things in film. Though really it seems to have afflicted almost all of his 1970s brethren, except Speilberg and Scorsese.

Still, it's really cool to see him enthusiastic about filmmaking again though.


Justin said...

Please don't be mean to Apocalypse Now, my ego can't take it.

Marshall said...

It's not a perfect movie, GODFATHERs I & II and THE CONVERSATION are. That's all I'm saying. This is the ennnnnnnd.